Living with the consquences of speed30 Jan 2009

Over a quarter of all fatalities on our roads happen when a motorist has driven at speeds inappropriate for local conditions*. The Royal Automobile Club Foundation welcomes the launch today (30) of a new campaign by the Department for Transport** which focuses not only on bereaved families but also on the profound emotional impact that drivers may suffer if they have been involved in an incident where speeding has led to the loss of a life.

Whilst debates about what is an appropriate speed polarise opinion, the latest Department for Transport figures*** show that over 4,500 people were seriously injured in incidents where speed was a contributory factor.

Stephen Glaister, Director of the Royal Automobile Club Foundation said,

‘Driving at an appropriate speed to suit local conditions is something that all responsible motorists do. Good drivers should be prepared to drive at speeds below the limit. The Department for Transport’s new campaign is aimed at those drivers who do not fully understand this message. Driving at inappropriate speeds should be seen as unacceptable as drinking and driving.’


*DfT (2007) Road Casualty Statistics. Table 4b. 727 fatalities where speed was a contributory factor. This accounts for 26%.

** See for information about new DfT campaign on speed

***DfT (2007) Road Casualty Statistics. Table 4b(ii). 4,500 serious injuries where speed was a contributory factor. This accounts for 18%.