The RAC Foundation is an independent charity that works to promote the economic, environmental, mobility and safety issues relating to use of motor vehicles. Our vision is to advocate innovative transport solutions for better and safer roads, safer drivers, greener cars, improved mobility and a fair deal for motorists.
The Foundation now seeks to appoint a successor to Edmund King as Executive Director. As head of the organization you will be our principal spokesperson, and responsible for leading our work and taking it forward: developing and managing our cutting edge research programme; building and maintaining relationships with relevant organisations including Government and the media; and managing a committed and well-qualified team.
You will have a successful track record at or advising at board level within the public, private or not-for-profit sectors, with experience of managing or using in-depth research and/or of dealing with the media and Government. An understanding of transport or related matters would be very desirable. You will have an understanding of policy development and the ability to work within and lead a small team.
For more information, including details of how to apply, please visit the website of our employment agency advisers, Saxton Bampfylde Hever Ltd, at WWW.SAXBAM.COM/JOBS using reference BRUA/S or e-mail [email protected] Alternatively, please telephone +44 (0) 1483 409 713 (during office hours).
Applications should arrive not later than noon on Thursday 7 February 2008.