
This is the RAC Foundation’s collaborations page where you will find up to date information about the collaborations that the RAC Foundation is funding and/or running with other organisations.

The collaborations represent some, but not all of the work currently being developed by the RAC Foundation.

Pre-driver Theatre & Workshop Education Research (PdTWER)

Pre-driver Theatre & Workshop Education Research (PdTWER)

Road Collision Investigation Project (RCIP)

Road Collision Investigation Project (RCIP)

Improving Road Safety at Intersections

Improving Road Safety at Intersections

Virtual Reality Hazard Perception Training and Testing

Virtual Reality Hazard Perception Training and Testing

Pathfinder Project and Safer Roads Fund

Pathfinder Project and Safer Roads Fund

Inclusion and empathy

Inclusion and empathy

RACF contributes to winning Wolfson prize entry

RACF contributes to winning Wolfson prize entry

Where next for automonomous vehicles?

Where next for automonomous vehicles?

Eyes on the road

Eyes on the road

Road Safety Since 2010

Road Safety Since 2010

On the move Wales: car, train and bus travel trends

On the move Wales: car, train and bus travel trends

Get me home – socialising, drinking and safer car travel

Get me home – socialising, drinking and safer car travel

Driving safely for life

Driving safely for life

On the move: Car and rail travel trends

On the move: Car and rail travel trends

The economics of road maintenance

The economics of road maintenance