Driving Forward Our National Network
21st January 2009, Central London
Our national motorway and trunk road network is a vital part of our economy and has a far reaching impact on all our lives. Congestion on the road network has major adverse effects on businesses, the UK economy and quality of life. Without intervention this is only going to get worse; official estimates predict that by 2041 the number of cars will be 44% higher than today and that car trips will increase by 24% (RAC Foundation report). The Eddington Report of December 2006 emphasised the importance to the economy of good transport links and the large economic returns to be made from well targeted investment. The study concluded that both road investment and road pricing are necessary.
However the Government has been saying for years that national road pricing is at least ten years away. The take up of urban congestion charging remains unclear. The state of public finances raises questions about future road investment. This conference looks at what can be done in both the short and long term to tackle congestion and improve the road network.
Points to be covered include:
Post Eddington – where next for roads policy in the UK?
What can be done to provide short term congestion relief?
What is a fair deal for road users?
Is regional roads policy working?
Could roads be run more like railways?
Should Government continue to own and operate the road network?
Is there a longer-term solution to congestion?
Will road users ever accept charging?
Can we create a sustainable roads strategy?
Confirmed Speakers:
Brian Wadsworth Former Director of Strategic Roads Department for Transport
Professor Stephen Glaister Director RAC Foundation
Derek Turner Director, Network Operations Highways Agency
Stephen Joseph Executive Director Campaign for Better Transport
Ian McCulloch Partner Bircham Dyson Bell
Lewis Atter Director of Corporate Finance KPMG
Bill Emery Chief Executive Office of Rail Regulation (ORR)
Dr Richard Wellings Deputy Editorial Director Institute of Economic Affairs
For more information please see: https://www.eventsforce.net/roadspolicy