No deferrals from 1 August 2020
The government is to end the temporary scheme under which drivers could defer MOTs on their vehicles for up to six months because of Covid-19.
From 1 August mandatory MOT tests will need to be taken by or on their due date rather than delayed.
However, vehicle owners with an MOT due date before 1 August will still receive the grace period though they can get an MOT at any stage within that time frame and must still ensure their vehicles are properly maintained.
According to the announcement “only some garages remained open to conduct essential services during the coronavirus outbreak, but now over 90% are open across the country. Testing capacity has already reached 70% of normal levels and is steadily increasing.”
Commenting on the change Steve Gooding, director of the RAC Foundation, said:
“The MoT process is about ensuring our vehicles are safe to drive, so although we backed the extension period during lockdown it was on the basis that drivers should still be checking their cars and that the scheme should be brought back as soon as it was safe to do so.
“With lockdown restrictions ending, and more of us looking to make longer trips, it is right that the normal regime should restart.
“The key thing about the return to the normal testing cycle is for it to be clearly communicated to vehicle owners – we welcome the five week notice period which should give drivers plenty of time to book an appointment and get back into the annual testing regime.”
Official data shows which types of defect detected by MOT tests are most common:
- Lamps, reflectors and electrical equipment – 27% of all defects discovered
- Suspension – 18%
- Brakes – 17%
- Tyres – 12%
- Visibility – 8%
- Body, chase, structure – 7%
- Noise, emissions and leaks – 6%
The data shows that those vehicles which failed their MOT first time round had an average of 2.6 defects.
Philip Gomm – Head of External Communications – RAC Foundation
[email protected] | 020 7747 3445 | 07711 776448 | 020 7389 0601 (ISDN)
Notes to editors:
The RAC Foundation is a transport policy and research organisation that explores the economic, mobility, safety and environmental issues relating to roads and their users.
The Foundation publishes independent and authoritative research with which it promotes informed debate and advocates policy in the interest of the responsible motorist. All the Foundation’s work is available at: