1.76 million sent on courses in 2022
A record number of drivers caught committing a motoring offence attended a retraining course last year thus avoiding prosecution and the possibility of points and fines.
Figures from UK Road Offender Education (UKROEd) show that 1.76 million people completed a course in 2022, the highest number since data first started being published back in 2014.
The majority – 1.48 million, a record in itself – completed a national speed awareness course, whilst 168,000 carried out a national motorway awareness course. There are seven different types of course in total.
Steve Gooding, director of the RAC Foundation, said:
“The long-term rise in course attendees has coincided with an increase in the total number of speeding offences detected in England and Wales, up from 1.9 million in 2013 to nearly 2.9 million in 2021.
“Research has suggested reoffending rates are lower amongst people who have attended a speed awareness course than those who have been prosecuted. It is vital the same holds true for the wide array of courses now being run for other offences. That is something those running the scheme should be monitoring.”
According to UKROEd:
“A report by Ipsos MORI in 2018 showed that targeting the behaviour of motorists through the courses provided by UKROEd reduced the likelihood of reoffending within six months by up to 23 per cent. The report also showed that over a period of three years, taking part in the course was more effective at reducing speed reoffending than a fine and penalty points.
“The report is based on data provided for 2.2 million drivers using records made available by 13 police forces in England for the period 2012 to 2017. Of these, 1.4 million had accepted an offer to participate in the National Speed Awareness Course.”
Department for Transport figures show speed was a contributory factor in one in six fatal crashes on Britain’s roads in 2021.
UKROEd is a private not-for-profit company which administers the National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme (Ndors) on behalf of police forces.
Courses are run by a combination of private companies, councils and police forces across the UK.
A driver who has committed what is deemed a minor offence may be given the opportunity to participate at the discretion of the local chief constable.
Reoffending drivers cannot complete the same course again within three years.
Philip Gomm – Head of External Communications – RAC Foundation
[email protected] | 07711 776448 | 020 7747 3445
Notes to editors:
The RAC Foundation is a transport policy and research organisation that explores the economic, mobility, safety and environmental issues relating to roads and their users.
The Foundation publishes independent and authoritative research with which it promotes informed debate and advocates policy in the interest of the responsible motorist. All the Foundation’s work is available at: www.racfoundation.org