RAC Foundation calls for adequate funding
The RAC Foundation has urged the Chancellor to provide an appropriate level of investment for both strategic and local roads.
In its representation to the Treasury ahead of the 2018 Budget to be held on Monday 29 October, the Foundation identified four key priorities:
- ensuring that Road Investment Strategy (RIS) 2 continues the good work of RIS 1
- boosting local road maintenance spending between 2020-21 and 2024-25, ahead of the separate £500 million a year funding being called for by the National Infrastructure Commission to run from 2025 to 2035
- resisting the temptation to raise fuel duty because even though the rate has been frozen at 57.95p per litre since 2011, over the same period real wages have fallen
- thinking about adjusting the benefit in kind rules for company cars because at moment there is the suggestion that employees are taking the money rather than the car on offer and using it to buy cheaper, older, dirtier vehicles