Young driver collisions and casualties20 Apr 2016

Young driver crashes result in quarter of KSI casualties

Using MAST Online to interrogate the STATS19 database 38 scenarios were investigated to calculate the number of killed and seriously injured (KSI) casualties resulting from collisions where young drivers (16-24 years) were involved between 2012 and 2014 in Great Britain. The absolute number and proportion of causalities in collisions where young drivers were involved were plotted in bar charts for:

  • Total KSI casualties
  • KSI casualties resulting from collisions were the driver of the related vehicle was male
  • KSI casualties resulting from collisions where the driver was female (see Annex A)


Key Findings:

  • The proportion of total KSI casualties resulting from collisions involving young drivers was 26%. For male and female drivers the proportion was 26% and 25%, respectively.
  • These KSI rates were disproportionally higher than the proportion of licence holders in this same age group, over the same time period: 7% (DVLA, 2016).
  • In 27 out of the 38 scenarios young driver involvement was disproportionate (greater than 26%).