Research work recognised
The RAC Foundation has received the prestigious Herbert Crow Memorial Award in recognition of its 2009 report The Car in British Society.
The honour is bestowed annually by the Worshipful Company of Carmen, one of the largest livery companies of the City of London.
The report team was headed by Karen Lucas and Peter Jones and was overseen by the Foundation’s Head of Research Elizabeth Box.
Commenting on the award, Elizabeth Box said:
“Research is at the heart of what the RAC Foundation does. It is very pleasing that such an esteemed organisation as the Carmen have recognised the importance of what we do and the part the report plays in reminding us all just how crucial the car is to the vast majority of this country’s population.”
Notes to editors:
The RAC Foundation is a charity which explores the economic, mobility, safety and environmental issues relating to roads and responsible road users. Independent and authoritative research, carried out for the public benefit, is central to the Foundation’s activities.
The Car in British Society was published in April 2009.
The full research team were Dr Karen Lucas, Professor Peter Jones, Professor John Polak, Scott Le Vine and Elizabeth Gilliard.